Physiotherapy treatment in Brookmans Park, Hertfordshire
and Bank, London
Specialising in Douglas Heel’s 'Beactivated' approach
The treatment is effective, immediately measurable and very powerful.
Resolve/reduce pain and stiffness
Increase energy levels
Sports, spinal and peripheral joint injuries
Improved sporting performance
Post operative recovery
Reduce stress and increase resilience
Improved function for the elderly
Adults and children with low tone and/or hypermobility
This list is not exhaustive, so if you have any queries about whether I can help you, please contact me.

To contact me or make an appointment:
07710 751 851 - 52 Peplins Way, Brookmans Park, Hertfordshire
020 7374 6181 - The London Healthcare Clinic, 38, Lombard St, Bank, London
or complete the form below